Someone wise wrote something recently that I read through and I had a little flash of desire to write about it.
The concept is something that I've thought at length about and haven't quite learned how to come to terms with. I'm still not certain I want to come to terms with it.
You see, in our daily life, we spend so much time simply going about our day that we hardly stop to think about what it is we're doing. Think about it for a second. How much time did you spend today doing things that were so deeply seated in your muscle memory that you could likely do them while asleep?
I know I drove back and forth to work, which I'm positive I could do asleep. At bare minimum, 90% of the phone calls I took from customers could have been answered by a monkey with a speak and spell. All of the small talk I had with co-workers was recycled garbage from the depths of the cavernous abyss that is my memory...
There really isn't a whole lot that I did today, or in recent days now that I think about it, that really set apart from anything else. It's like we're worker bees, set in our routine, guarding our queen and foraging for food while defending the hive. God forbid it rains now and again and our plans are completely shot to shit and we have to either stay inside, or cover ourselves with something before leaving so we don't ruin our pre-planned recycled days...
Then, when reading my friend's blog it just hit me - the little things that happen every so often to break our normal routine; sometimes good, sometimes bad things.... It's these things that give us that spark of excitement... That brilliance that we all strive for - artists call it inspiration, I call it like I see it; Mindless Brilliance.
Thanks for the genius idea.
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